Trust Your Inner Voice: 4 Guiding Principles to Evaluating Choices and Making Better Decisions

H.T. Liau
4 min readMay 21, 2023


Reader: “I just read through your medium! It’s great for young people who lost their way. I was curious about how to listen to the inner voice or how to evaluate choices! That’s what people are confused about. Some people neglect what they genuinely think about and go with the flow. They don’t know whether their ideas are feasible. And it is because they need to learn how to evaluate their choice. So if you can provide guidance here.”

Editor: Thanks for your comments! Any idea can be realized if based on realistic principles (and the laws of physics). Every creation in the world today started off as someone's idea. However, gathering ample information and knowledge about the subject is crucial. Take the time to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages, perform a risk assessment, and reflect on what's truly important to you. You can begin by jotting down the most critical “things to consider” as well as the “pros and cons” on a piece of paper. Remember that there are a near-infinite amount of variables to consider in any given decision. Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis. It's always better to make a decision, even if it's not perfect. You can always pivot. If you're still feeling stuck and need guidance, seek advice from individuals who are where you want to be!

As young people journey through life, we often feel unsure about the choices we need to make. We struggle to listen to our inner voices and evaluate our options, often feeling pressured to follow the norm. To help, we will explore the importance of building self-trust, gaining clarity, developing critical thinking skills, and making decisions. By understanding these principles, young people can better navigate their path and make choices that align with their aspirations.

You’re not always going to be right, and that’s okay.

Principle #1: Build trust in yourself

It’s common for young people to doubt their decision-making abilities due to their limited life experiences. However, it’s crucial to recognize that there’s no clear-cut right or wrong decision in the grand scheme of life. Life isn’t black or white. In the long run, what seemed like a wrong decision now may be the impetus for something positive. Instead of being overly risk-averse, consider the possibilities that may arise from your choices. View life as a long-term game where every decision contributes to your growth and personal development. By understanding the potential outcomes and accepting the consequences, you can build trust in yourself and your decision-making abilities.

Principle #2: More clarity equals better decisions

To unlock better decision-making, gaining clarity is essential. Begin by assessing your actions and habits — do they contribute positively or negatively to your future success? Similarly, evaluate the people around you— are they on the same path as you? If not, it’s time to take control of your life and make necessary changes. Reflect on your goals, values, and aspirations, and then make choices that align with them. With a clear vision of where you want to be, making decisions that support your desired path will become much simpler.

THINK: Imagine yourself ten years from now. What kind of life would the future you want to have? What do I have to do to get there?

Principle #3: Only dead fish go with the flow

Don’t merely go with the flow — learn how to ebb and flow. While being adaptable is essential, being true to yourself is equally crucial. Understand when to speak up and ask for what you want and when to observe and wait for the right opportunity. Develop critical thinking skills that allow you to evaluate situations holistically by considering different perspectives and making informed choices that serve your future self.

Principle #4: Always make a decision

Being indecisive impedes your progress and personal development. Instead of being stagnant, it’s better to make an imperfect decision. If you don’t make a decision, you’ll be living on auto-pilot and following someone else’s plan for your life. Remember that life is not a rehearsal and every decision matters. When you make decisions with clarity and intention, you take control of your life and open up countless opportunities for growth and success.

It's important for young people to develop the skill of listening to their inner voice and evaluating their choices. By building trust in themselves, gaining clarity, developing critical thinking skills, and making intentional decisions, they can navigate their path in life confidently. It's crucial to embrace the power of self-trust and make decisions that align with one's authentic self. It's essential to remember that life is a continuous journey, and every decision made shapes one's growth and future.

Final Note: It’s your life and no one else’s. You have the power to design it the way you want, and every decision you make will help you create a fulfilling and meaningful life.



H.T. Liau

Critical insights and fresh perspectives for Global Citizens. From Taipei to World. Founder of @therepublictw @ordinarywisdomc #rethinktheworld